A second responsive multi-level menu suitable for PCs, Tablets and Smartphones.
A responsive multi-level menu suitable for PCs, Tablets and Smartphones.
A vertical concertina animated menu suitable for PCs, Tablets and Smartphones.
A droplist animated menu suitable for PCs, Tablets and Smartphones.
An update to the Swipe Me Inline slideshow to add extra fuctions and simplify usage.
An update to the Swipe Me! slideshow to add extra fuctions and simplify usage.
A second multi level mini menu suitable for PCs, Tablets and Smartphones.
A CSS only full screen auto run slideshow with zoom effect and captions.
Version 1.1 of my BIG! Slideshow with additional features for all modern browsers.
A 3D flip card photo gallery for all the latest browsers.
A CSS conversion of a form select list to a drop list.
An alternative to a form select list which can be fully styled.
An html imagemap with hover effect for all browsers except IE which has fallback to a plain imagemap.
A multi level mini menu suitable for PCs, Tablets and Smartphones.
A method of centering images and information panels using margin:auto;.
The previous multi level mini menu suitable for smartphones adapted to show how it might look on PCs.
A responsive swipe action inline gallery with swipe action for all modern browsers and OS.
A couple of single level responsive menus that works in all modern browsers including touch screens and smart phones.
A responsive droplist menu that works in all modern browsers including touch screens and smart phones.
A responsive swipe action full screen gallery with swipe action for Windows 8 and IE10/11. NO javascript.
A simple HTML5 responsive video player with playlists, skinning and IE6-8 fallback.
A simple method of adding a playlist to HTML5 video including support for IE7+.
A second minimal jQuery and css3 responsive 'swipe' action full screen slideshows.
Using minimal jQuery and css3 to create responsive 'swipe' action full screen slideshows.
Using minimal jQuery and css3 to create responsive videos with playlists, video play state and multi occurrences.
A Windows 8 'Metro' style menu suitable for all modern browsers including touch screens.
A simple mini menu suitable for smartphones as well as PC/Mac/Android OS.
A conversion of a jQuery/javascript driven slideshow into a CSS only version.
A simple method of displaying sets of photographs. Suitable for all modern browsers.
Another method of displaying sets of photographs. Suitable for all modern browsers.
A responsive image map that works on touch screen devices including Android OS and IE10.
A responsive single level menu that works on touch screen devices including Android OS and IE10.
A responsive layout with animated repositioning of elements. For all the latest browsers.
A responsive dropdown/flyout menu that works on touch screen devices including Android OS and IE10.
A method of getting IE7, IE8 and early version of other browsers to support 'background-size:cover'.
A responsive droplist menu that works on touch screen devices including Android OS and IE10.
A vertical concertina menu that works on touch screen devices including Android OS and has animation.
A dropline menu that works on touch screen devices including Android OS and has animation.
A flyout menu that works on touch screen devices including Android OS and has animation.
A droplist menu that works on touch screen devices including Android OS and has animation.
Another method of producing a multi-level menu that works on touch screen devices including Android OS.
A multi-level menu that works on touch screen devices including Android OS.
A set of information panels that work on touch screen devices such as iPads, IE10 tablets and Android OS tablets.
A CSS gallery to display some of the photos taken during our 2013 visit to New Zealand, Australia and Singapore