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COVID-19: As RBI enters the ring, government needs to go beyond the ropes

Europe has focused more on firms and the US on them as well as individuals, India has so far focused on the poor.This is not a time to focus on the fisc. A package to save our firms is urgently needed to set the multiplier effect rolling

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Opinion | Myopic truce

As US troops withdraw, the Taliban promise to give terrorists no sanctuary, work with elected leaders, and let peace prevail

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Did Namaste Trump optics help Modi or Brand India?

It’s time to revisit a nation building brand campaign, without religion and politics

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Opinion | Stay calm and wait

On Monday, a constable and a civilian were killed in northeast Delhi, the site of the clashes, and 37 other cops were injured

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Opinion | From Clinton to Trump, India’s soft power is the bridge

Indian expats provided the glue to repair this otherwise dysfunctional relationship

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Opinion | WhatsApp must watch out for us

Both Google and WhatsApp’s owner Facebook Inc seemed to shrug off the implications to people’s need for online confidentiality

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Caste curse

While the wheels of justice appear to be rolling, it’s the medieval mindset on display that refuses to yield

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Opinion | Pressures for a landmark peace deal in Manipur

Rebel leader R.K. Meghen’s presence in Manipur could be a crucial factor

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Insider relief

In 2013, Sandeep Aggarwal admitted that he had tipped off a fund manager in 2009 that a deal was brewing between Yahoo and Microsoft

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Opinion | An Indian army that can now be led by a woman

A female general at the helm of the force is no longer beyond the realm of possibility thanks to a far-sighted ruling of the Supreme Court that finally lets women take roles of command

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Vanishing wizards of the night

The fiesty flying squirrel, also called the magic cat, is the hero of every villager’s spooky story

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Thus spake Pei Mei

A little-known curve-flattening hack that anyone can learn and perform in the comfort of their own quarantine

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There’s no business like the booze business unless it is the building business

Cricket captains who know their jobs are always ahead of the game, placing a fielder where the ball is expected to go, and anticipating what will happ

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Eradicate it: On female genital mutilation

Sudan’s decision to end female genital mutilation builds on its political transition

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Shaping India’s response in a global hinge moment

The most important improvements concern its national security structures and their work, and flexibility in thinking

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Slower growth and a tighter fiscal

India slid into the pandemic crisis in the backdrop of economic downslide; fiscal stimulus has to be structured

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Letters to the Editor — May 9, 2020

Living in dangerThe industrial disaster is a redux of the Bhopal gas tragedy of 1984 (Page 1, “Vizag gas leak claims 11 lives; over 350 hospitalised”

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Corrections and Clarifications — May 9, 2020

In a Business page story titled “PFC has $6.8 bn NPAs in thermal loan book” (May 8, 2020), there was an erroneous reference to the company, Power Fina

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Contempt for labour: On dilution of labour laws

Centre should not allow exemptions from welfare laws for workers mooted by States

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India should talk directly to Taliban, says U.S. Special Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad

The territory of Afghanistan must not be used against the United States, our allies and in fact the world

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The UX Booth

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19 and Me: A COVID-19 Risk Calculator

Our team wanted to empower people to make sense of the vast amount of information and to make more informed decisions. 19 and Me helps quantify people’s risk of contracting COVID-19 and visualize how behaviors, such as practicing social distancing, handwashing, and wearing personal protective equipment, can change people’s risk level.

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Providing Vulnerable Older Adults with Nutritious Meals During COVID-19

In the United States, 8 out of 10 COVID-19 deaths reported have been among adults ages 65 and older, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Innovating Together in the Midst of COVID-19

Hosting our own hackathon was a chance to contribute to the COVID-19 response, and an opportunity to build new relationships with staff we don’t typically work with, promote the ideas of others, and encourage staff to leverage their creativity to think about problems.

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When the Stakes Are This High, Models Matter

Behind the scenes, technology has been playing an important role in developing models that are informing how public health officials track COVID-19 cases, respond to potential hot spots, and prepare policymakers for the next stages in our collective response.

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Family First Law Allows Major Changes from State Child Welfare Agencies – This Toolkit Can Help.

In the United States, a range of social issues can negatively impact parenting, which in the worst of circumstances results in children entering the child welfare system.

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During a Pandemic, Behavioral Health Demands Attention and Creativity

For those of us who devote our lives to improving behavioral health care, the critical health care priorities of the COVID-19 pandemic raise concerns about increased unmet mental health and substance use service needs.

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Using Culturally Responsive Practices to Foster Learning During School Closures: Challenges and Opportunities for Equity

With the closure of school buildings fundamentally disrupting the way students receive services, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the national conversation about education.

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Pride in What We Do and Who We Are

Paul Decker talks about the important steps Mathematica is taking to ensure we are fostering a deep commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in our work and among our staff.

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Communities Can Learn from Local Social Determinants of Health Data

By showing how local data on social determinants of health compare to data from similar communities, we hope to encourage innovation, foster peer-to-peer learning, and identify promising practices.

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Using Transparency to Create Accountability When School Buildings Are Closed and Tests Are Cancelled

Schools across the country have closed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and states have cancelled their spring assessments. These cancellations mark the first interruption of the annual testing cycle since the No Child Left Behind Act passed nearly 20 years ago.

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What’s Unfolding Across the Globe is Unprecedented, but Evidence Can Help Light the Path Forward

Although Mathematica might have limited expertise in infectious diseases like COVID-19, we have vast knowledge and experience with the policies and programs that can help our public health system and our economy recover from the unfolding impact this virus is having around the world.

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In Montana, Wastewater Testing Sheds New Light on Opioid and Methamphetamine Use

Last year, Mathematica worked with researchers at Montana State University (MSU) to help assess the policy value of municipal wastewater testing, an innovative approach that can augment existing data by providing more rapid, cost-effective, and unbiased measures of drug use.

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Building the Pipeline of Black Women in Economics

In this episode of On the Evidence, we interview attendees of the Second Annual Sadie T.M. Alexander Conference about the status of Black women in economics and what progress has been made to diversify the field since last year.

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Building Blocks: How One State Is Working to Measure and Improve Schools’ Contributions to Early Learning

To better understand its schools’ contributions to students’ learning in the first four grades, the Maryland State Department of Education partnered with the Regional Educational Laboratory Mid-Atlantic to explore constructing a school-level growth measure for kindergarten to grade 3.

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Creating a Gender-Equal and Equitable World

At Mathematica, we work collectively with partners across the country and around the globe to create a gender-equal world where women, girls, communities, and economies can thrive.

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New Research on KIPP Shows That Charter Middle Schools Can Improve Early College Outcomes

Attending a KIPP school led to a 10-13 percentage point improvement in the likelihood of enrolling in college.

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The Future Is Now: Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander

In honor of Black History Month, Kimberlin Butler, director of foundation engagement, provides an account of Dr. Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander’s notable career as a Black economist and lawyer and how her legacy is inspiring a new generation of changemakers.

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Improving Alternative Payment Models Through Program Monitoring: Observing the Impacts on Patients Living in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods

We believe the value of program monitoring is in iteration. By combining live program administrative data with vetted measures of socioeconomic status, we help clients and stakeholders understand alternative payment models and make important improvements.

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Lessons from Scaling a Customized Employment Program for Workers with Disabilities

In this episode of On the Evidence, Shane Kanady of SourceAmerica and Noelle Denny-Brown of Mathematica discuss findings from an evaluation of the Pathways to Careers program, which provides customized employment services to job seekers with significant disabilities.

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My Mathematica: Nancy Murray

More than a decade after I arrived at Mathematica, we have a thriving international research division and a portfolio of about 50 international projects for a wide range of clients. It’s been really exciting to see the international practice grow.

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Measuring Whether Kindergarteners Are On Track for Reading Proficiently

REL Mid-Atlantic explored whether kindergarten entry assessments can provide states and districts with a useful measure of progress toward proficient reading for cohorts of children.

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A Trusted Learning Partner for Foundations

Watch our video to see how Mathematica is supporting foundations to transform communities and catalyze social change.

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My Mathematica: So O'Neil

Through my work, I’m often reminded of how alone I felt when I was little. How different I seemed from those around me. So, I’m careful not to make assumptions about the people I collaborate with, the people we’re trying to help, the data we’re collecting and analyzing, and other aspects of my work.

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Home-Delivered Food Boxes Reduced Food Insecurity Among Adults, but Not Children

On this episode of On the Evidence, we talk about a federal experiment using home-delivered boxes packed with fruit, vegetables, and other shelf-stable foods selected by registered dieticians to address food insecurity among children in a rural part of the Chickasaw Nation territory in Oklahoma.

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Using Data to Keep School Improvement on Track: Focus on Comprehensive Support and Improvement

Research on chronically low-performing schools suggests that monitoring the implementation and progress of these schools’ improvement efforts can help them use limited resources more effectively.

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Creating Our Most Promising Future

Kimberlin Butler, director of foundation engagement, offers reflections about a convening that Mathematica hosted with The Denver Foundation. The event explored how cross-sector collaboration and data-informed practices can improve equity and outcomes for Denver metro communities.

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Addressing Racial Equity in Higher Education

Fewer than half of the nearly 170 million U.S. residents ages 25 to 64 have obtained a postsecondary degree or certificate. The statistics for adult students of color who have attained higher education are even lower.

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Examining Opioid Use Among Applicants for Disability Insurance

On this episode of On the Evidence, April Yanyuan Wu, a researcher at Mathematica, discusses a project that used supervised machine learning to estimate prescription opioid use among applicants for Social Security Disability Insurance.

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How To Build A Gaming Rig Without Burning A Hole In Your Pocket

We live in an era where 4K gaming on PCs with high-end graphics cards and CPUs have become the new norm. It's true that high-end gaming PCs are expensive, but they are a must for high-end gaming isn't.  You

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