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Ted Cruz mocks Democrats in meltdown mode

Sen. Ted Cruz, on the CPAC stage, took great joy in his Democratic colleagues' sorrow since Donald Trump won the election, going as far to call their base 'bat crap crazy.'

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Ted Cruz is mocked during debate with Bernie Sanders

During the CNN debate Ted Cruz was chided for his awkward exchange with multiple sclerosis patient Carol Hardaway, from Maryland.

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Ted Cruz makes speech describing how much he loves Texas queso

Texas Senator Ted Cruz passionately spoke of queso and it made some people uncomfortable. He said at the Senate cheese competition that queso is a 'visceral, emotional, powerful family bond.'

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Ted Cruz says voters will have 'pitchforks in the streets' if Republicans don't deliver

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was optimistic about a GOP-controlled Washington,, though warned fellow Republicans not to screw this up, saying voters would be out with 'pitchforks and torches.'

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Ted Cruz sites Trump's 'powerful mandate' and vows to work with him

Texas Senator Ted Cruz is hailing the 'powerful mandate for change' that President-elect Donald Trump secured with his election, praising a bitter former primary rival.

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Trump transition team fight over Ted Cruz and Kris Kobach for attorney general

A fight is brewing among forces behind the Trump transition over the future of the Justice Department, with rival factions jockeying for Ted Cruz or Kris Kobach as attorney general.

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Trump auditioned Ted Cruz for US attorney general and discuss 'first 100 days agenda'

Moderate GOP senators would like to see Cruz move to the administration so he can't stand in their way with stunts and filibusters. He wouldn't comment Tuesday about his chances.

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Donald Trump gives Cabinet selection the Apprentice treatment

Donald Trump has reacted to the ongoing rumors of chaos in his transition team with a bizarre remark that sounded more like an Apprentice line than a message from the President-elect.

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Ted Cruz endorses Donald Trump after calling him a 'pathological liar'

'Last year, I promised to support the Republican nominee. And I intend to keep my word,' Cruz wrote on Facebook, adding that 'by any measure Hillary Clinton is wholly unacceptable.'

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Donald Trump goes all-in on bashing Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump called his Democratic rival 'the devil' on Monday in a high-profile escalation of his campaign rhetoric – at precisely the moment he needed to change the subject.

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Donald Trump says he 'saved' Ted Cruz from being 'ripped off stage' at RNC

Failed Republican presidential candidate Cruz sparked uproar at the conference on Wednesday when he refused to endorse Trump.

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Ted Cruz doubles down on RNC speech and insists he WON'T endorse Donald Trump

Ted Cruz refused to back down on his convention speech where he refused to endorse Donald Trump: 'I wasn't elected to do the convenient thing, I was elected to do what's right,' he said on Thursday.

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Ivanka Trump jabs her finger as the entire family shoot daggers at Ted Cruz 

Ivanka Trump was photographed jabbing her finger as her other siblings sat nearby looking stoic during Ted Cruz's speech Wednesday night in Cleveland, Ohio at the RNC.

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Republicans are restrained from Ted Cruz while wife Heidi is escorted off Convention floor

Ted Cruz's wife Heidi had to be escorted from the Republican National Convention floor in in Cleveland, Ohio, after he refused to endorse Donald Trump.

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Security plan protecting Ted Cruz and Speaker Paul Ryan from gun violence revealed

In a little noticed security measure accompanying the security lockdown in Cleveland for the RNC, 'Shooters' bar had its name changed to 'Tusker's' for just a few days.

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Ted Cruz references Donald Trump's grating 'Lyin' Ted' moniker

Supporters of Texas senator Ted Cruz let out a round of 'boos' when he said the GOP had a nominee, as Cruz brought up his hated nickname, 'Lyin' Ted.'

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Ted Cruz's dad Rafael won't address Donald Trump's JFK attack on eve of son's RNC speech

Rafael Cruz won't say a word about Donald Trump's attacks on him on the eve of his son's prime time speech before the Republican convention – but Ted Cruz will say Trump's name.

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Ted Cruz to take to Republican stage though he STILL won't endorse Donald Trump

Ted Cruz is slated to speak at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday, but all signs point to the Texas senator still not endorsing his former rival, presumptive nominee Donald Trump.

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Utah's Mike Lee says he won't back Donald Trump because he attacked Ted Cruz

Utah senator Mike Lee isn't ready to back Donald Trump, who he said needs to show he's not an 'autocrat' or an 'authoritarian.'

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Ted Cruz partisans talk about staging delegate 'coup' at Republican National Convention

A group of top backers of former GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz are calling for a revolt at the GOP convention to still find a way to dump Donald Trump, amid fears he will lose to Hillary Clinton.

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Donald Trump wins West Virginia primary securing 71.6% Republican vote

Donald Trump claimed victory in both West Virginia and Nebraska GOP primaries as his race for the Republican presidential candidacy continues almost unchallenged.

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Republican Ted Cruz welcomed back to Senate with less than open arms

Ted Cruz has been welcomed back to the Senate with less than open arms after returning to Capitol Hill for the first time since losing the GOP presidential nomination.

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Marco Rubio says a Ted Cruz-Rubio ticket would have failed

Marco Rubio called a story 'largely inaccurate' that suggested Ted Cruz wanted them to join forces and take on Donald Trump. Rubio said reports were 'unfair' to Carly Fiorina, Cruz's choice.

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Phil Robertson says he'll back Donald Trump despite endorsing Ted Cruz

The long-bearded eccentric told that 'I'll definitely be there for him' since Trump will likely face Hillary Clinton in November. 'I'll vote for him, no question.'

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Facebook's Peter Thiel listed as one of Donald Trump's California delegates

Thiel, cofounder of PayPal, has previously endorsed Ron Paul and Ted Cruz - and even invested $2 million in Carly Fiorina's Super PAC last year.

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Ted Cruz's wife compares his path to the presidency with ending slavery

Heidi Cruz said on a campaign 'Prayer Team' call that 'it took 25 years to defeat slavery.' She was comparing husband Ted's short rise to 2nd place in the GOP presidential race with longer struggles.

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Ted Cruz ducks endorsement talk as he makes emotional return to Senate

Ted Cruz didn't endorse Donald Trump as he returned to the Senate Tuesday. 'I appreciate the eagerness and excitement of all the folks in the media to see me back in the ring,' he said.

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Ted Cruz campaign rallies supporters to take control of the GOP platform

Ted Cruz might be out of the race for the White House but he's still hoping to influence the Republican National Convention. He wants his delegates to influence the RNC platform and rules.

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Ted Cruz and wife Heidi seen for first time since quitting election at Kentucky Derby

Cruz, who pulled out of the race for the White House last week, was spotted milling around on Millionaires Row at the Kentucky Derby with his wife Heidi and Lord Ashcroft.

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SNL skit has Ted Cruz reincarnated as the Devil and Donald Trump's favorite book

He was called 'Lucifer in the flesh' by former House Speaker John Boehner last month. And Ted Cruz transformed into Satan himself last night... or at least he did on Saturday Night Live.

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Ted Cruz website fools supporters into thinking he backs Hillary Clinton for president

Ted Cruz supporters who visited were shocked when they viewed the homepage. It showed an image of Hillary Clinton with the text: 'Next President of the United States of America!!!'

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John Kasich suspends presidential campaign at Ohio press conference

Kasich canceled a scheduled campaign stop near Washington, D.C. on Wednesday and held an Ohio press conference where he ended his presidential campaign.

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Donald Trump DEFENDS linking Ted Cruz's father with JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald

On Wednesday Trump insisted it was 'not such a bad thing' to promote a National Enquirer story that suggested Rafael Cruz appeared in a 1963 picture with the future killer.

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Ted Cruz ridiculed by Twitter users after dropping out of Republican nomination race

Twitter users ridiculed Texas Sen Ted Cruz Tuesday night in a series of cruel tweets and memes after he dropped out of the presidential race following a humiliating defeat in the Indiana primary.

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Ted Cruz drops out of presidential race leaving Donald Trump with clear run

Triumphant Donald Trump claimed victory in the Republican presidential contest on Tuesday night, after Ted Cruz dropped out of the race following his defeat in the Indiana primary.

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Donald Trump dismisses John Kasich after Ted Cruz drops out

While Donald Trump praised Cruz as 'a tough, smart competitor' after his victory in Indiana on Wednesday, he completely dismissed John Kasich as a rival.

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Donald Trump becomes presumptive GOP nominee after 'joke' campaign mocked

Donald Trump announced he was running for president in June 2015 during a speech in New York City's Trump Tower (pictured). Experts said he would struggle to be taken seriously.

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Carly's Fiorina's Vice president bid is shortest of all time after Ted Cruz dropped out

She was chosen as the Texas Senator's running mate, in a bid to revitalize his campaign. But polls have revealed that adding the former CEO to the ticket did nothing to boost numbers.

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Donald Trump's entourage Ivanka, Lara and Vanessa post gleeful Instagram as Ted Cruz exits

The Trump ladies, Ivanka, Vanessa and Lara were glued to the TV as Texas Senator Ted Cruz dropped out of the presidential race after suffering a humiliating defeat in the Indiana primary.

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Ted Cruz made fun of on the internet for elbowing wife Heidi in the face

Cruz hugged his wife after his speech before hitting her with his elbow as he embraced his father Rafael. A woman lamented: 'And poor Heidi Cruz takes the loss harder than anyone - in the face.'

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Ted Cruz drops out Republican primary after suffering humiliating primary loss in Indiana

Ted Cruz ended his Republican primary challenge to Donald Trump Tuesday after suffering a humiliating defeat in Indiana. Cruz admitted he had no way to win.

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Donald Trump's more popular than ever, new GOP poll shows

A new poll shows that 25 percent of GOP voters were more likely to vote for Ted Cruz because of Carly Fiorina, while another 24 percent said it made them less likely – essentially making it a wash.

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Ted Cruz uncorks furious tirade on Donald Trump for 'sleaze and lies'

Steaming over Donald Trump's invocation of a National Enquirer story about his dad, Cruz labels his rival a 'pathological liar' and 'serial philanderer' who is fooling his supporters.

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Donald Trump is now beating Ted Cruz by 34 points in California

Doing well in California is looking more and more like a pipe dream for Donald Trump's chief rival Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Trump now leads the Texan by 34 points in the Golden State.

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Donald Trump ridicules Ted Cruz over disappearing running mate after Carly Fiorina tumbles at rally

Donald Trump called attention to Carly Fiorina's bizarre fall Monday – and faults Ted Cruz for not doing 'anything about it.'

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Poll shows Donald Trump is AHEAD of Hillary Clinton for the first time

According to Rasmussen Reports , the billionaire has the support of 41 percent of the American voters while the former Secretary of State has just 39 percent.

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Heidi Cruz reacts to the online rumor that Ted is the Zodiac killer 

Heidi Cruz responded today to one of the internet's weirdest conspiracy theories  – that Sen. Ted Cruz, her husband, was the 'Zodiac Killer.'

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Donald Trump tells Ted Cruz to get ready to 'leave the race'

Trump's most definitive statement on Cruz's future came during a wide-ranging interview with And Cruz's 'temperament,' he says, might make him ill-suited to the Supreme Court.

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Cruz campaign corrects Heidi Cruz after she calls Ted an 'immigrant'

Sen. Ted Cruz's wife Heidi said something on the campaign trail that could bring back up those pesky 'birther' problems. 'Ted is an immigrant,' Heidi Cruz said at a campaign stop in Greenfield, Indiana.

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Ted Cruz won't say if he'd endorse Donald Trump for president if Trump wins GOP nomination

Ted Cruz is in the midst of an angry fight with Donald Trump, and is refusing to say he'd back the billionaire if his rival wins the GOP nomination.

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